PERFECT FIT: Your foot should fit perfectly inside the shoe, there should be no spaces around the foot as this could cause ankle torsion that could result in a fracture or simply cause discomfort from rubbing that would not allow you to perform well.

SUPPORT AND STABILITY: A good sports shoe should guarantee you support and stability, as inadequate support and stability could cause an osteo or soft tissue injury, leading to long recoveries or operations to fix the problem.

CUSHIONING: Regardless of the discipline you are going to practice, taking care of your back and knees is fundamental to having a long athletic life. There are shoes that have air chambers that are ideal for disciplines like basketball or brands that use the latest technology materials that are ideal for absorbing impacts. Be very careful when buying to avoid injuries that could be irreparable.

BREATHABILITY: Consider the type of material the shoe is made of. Excellent material will keep your feet dry and comfortable, preventing foot odor or fungus.

FLEXIBILITY: This is the complement of a perfect fit, making the shoe excellent. It will give you the necessary and natural mobility so that your foot responds without trauma or discomfort.

DURABILITY: A good quality shoe will always offer you resistance and durability, enduring the wear and tear of sports activities.

GRIP: It is very important to know the environment where you will practice the sport, as this depends on the type of sole you should buy. In the case of basketball, playing outdoors on a cement court is not the same as playing indoors on a wooden court. This will prevent accidents caused by lack of grip and provide the necessary mobility to perform the sports discipline.

WEIGHT: Currently, thanks to advances in technology and high-resistance synthetic materials, sports companies have managed to make highly resistant and lightweight products. Shoes , , , , ,